Become A Member!

By becoming a member of the Dirigo Theatre Company, you are showing your support of our mission, values and efforts and it is because of you we’re able to enrich our community.

Join Us!

Memberships are Annual and are effective from the day payment is received through the final day of the Season. All memberships are non refundable.

Why Become A Member?

As a 501(c)3 Non Profit, your membership is not only tax deductible, but strengthens Dirigo Theatre Company’s ability to find grants and fundraise to strengthen our programming to continue creating accessible, diverse, inclusive and engaging productions and opportunities for our community.

Among the many benefits of having a thriving arts program in any community is the ability to allow people to express themselves in a safe and creative way for an audience’s entertainment. The process is more important than the final product even when the final product is high quality that surpasses expectations.

Audience Membership  $100.00 / Annually

This is an entry level membership with the following benefits:

  • Voting Rights at Member Meetings

  • Discounts on all Education Department Offerings

  • 1 Free ticket to any production/event.

Spotlight Membership  $200.00 / Annually

This is the top tier level membership with the following benefits:

  • Voting Rights at Member Meetings

  • 20% Discount on all Education Department Offerings

  • 8 Free ticket to any production/event.

  • Access to Pre Sale Tickets for all events!

  • Two free entries into 50/50 raffles for every production

  • Mention in the Program with 1/5 page advertising space based on availability

Ensemble Membership  $175.00 / Annually

This is an second tier level membership with the following benefits:

  • Voting Rights at Member Meetings

  • 10% on all Education Department Offerings

  • 4 Free tickets to any production/event.

  • Access to Pre Sale Tickets for all events!

Family Membership  $275.00 / Annually

This is a family level membership with the following benefits designed for families of 3 or more.

  • Voting Rights at Member Meetings

  • 30% Discount on all Education Department Offerings terms apply

  • 12 Free ticket to any production/event.

  • Access to Pre Sale Tickets for all events!

  • Four free entries into 50/50 raffles for every production

  • Mention in the Program with 1/5 page advertising space based on availability

  • Two tuition waivers for any Program in the year.

Not Ready To Become A Member?


We are a 501(c)3 Non Profit and you can show your support by a one time donation!

If not for the audience, our stories have no depth, no truth, and no impact.